As an Amazon seller, you put in a lot of hard work and effort to build a successful business. However, there may be times when you receive a counterfeit complaint from another seller, alleging that your products are fake. This can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but it’s important to know your rights and understand the complaint process.

Understanding the Counterfeit Complaint Process:

When another seller makes a counterfeit complaint against you, Amazon will review the complaint and may remove your listing from the site. This can be a devastating blow to your business, especially if you believe the complaint is unjustified. However, Amazon has a process in place for sellers to dispute counterfeit complaints and protect their rights.

Step 1: Review the Complaint

The first step in handling a counterfeit complaint is to carefully review the details of the complaint and gather any supporting evidence. This may include sales receipts, product packaging, and other documentation that proves the authenticity of your products.

Step 2: Dispute the Complaint

Once you have gathered all of your evidence, you can then dispute the counterfeit complaint by providing a response to Amazon. This response should include a clear and concise explanation of why you believe the complaint is unjustified, along with any supporting evidence.

Step 3: Wait for a Decision

After you have submitted your dispute, Amazon will review the complaint and make a decision. This process can take several days or longer, so it’s important to be patient and keep your response professional.

Protecting Your Rights as a Seller:

In addition to understanding the complaint process, it’s also important to know your rights as an Amazon seller. For example, you have the right to sell genuine products and the right to dispute any counterfeit complaints that are unjustified.


Receiving a counterfeit complaint on Amazon can be a stressful experience, but it’s important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to protect your rights as a seller. By understanding the complaint process and gathering all of your evidence, you can dispute the complaint and hopefully resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.

By following these steps, you can successfully handle a counterfeit complaint on Amazon and continue to grow your business on the platform.

Published On: February 13th, 2023 / Categories: Intellectual Property /